The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) has updated the enrollment process for the EOSB Savings scheme, now requiring companies to directly approach approved fund managers instead of MoHRE. This change, communicated through MoHRE’s call center, modifies the previous requirements outlined in Article 4 of Cabinet Resolution 96. This change in process is expected […]
Following the publication of our previous article on the Financial Performance FY 2023 of Smart Pension Limited (“Smart Pension” or “Company”), Pensions Monitor was contacted by the Company who asked us to provide the readership with additional information on its current performance: The (unaudited) results for H1 2024 have improved significantly: EBITDA (that is: Earnings […]
National Bonds Corporation Sole Proprietorship PSC (“National Bonds” or “Company”) has officially been recognized as a provider for the new End-of-Service Benefits (EOSB) Savings Scheme, according to information cited on the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) website on 2 October 2024. This disclosure follows the earlier approvals of Daman Investments and Lunate in […]
In our previous articles we featured some startups that have appeared on the scene, including FinFlx, Aurem and Equevu. All of them offer some sort of investment product, linked to End-of-Service Benefits that is managed through an ‘in-house’ technology solution. Now it turns out that one more new provider has emerged – namely “Benefitster” (full […]
It is now nearing a year since the introduction of the new alternative End-of-Service Savings (EoSS) scheme by MOHRE and SCA. So far, there are only two approved providers for the scheme and even so, as of date (August 2024), there are no active products in the market. Reason: The two approved providers are pure […]
The new End-of-Service Savings (EoSS) scheme or the corporate pensions industry in the UAE as we like to call it, is slowly taking shape. As announced previously, the first providers have received their licenses from SCA (Securities and Commodities Authority) and MoHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation). Daman Investments, Lunate, and Hayah Insurance are certain […]
There is a growing buzz around the new End-of-Service Savings (EoSS) scheme, which was introduced last November by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) and the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA). To recap: The current “End-of-Service Gratuity Benefit” system is being revamped. Instead of a lumpsum cash payment at the end of employment, […]
“Guaranteed return of 4-5% on a free-of-cost savings account in the UAE where you do not have to maintain any minimum balance and the full amount can be withdrawn at any time with no hidden charges whatsoever.” Sounds too good to be true and interestingly, it’s not provided by a bank. This flexible savings account […]
One key feature of the new End-of-Service Savings scheme (aka, Cabinet Resolution 96) is that each provider must offer a “capital guarantee” option. Everyone likes a no-risk investment opportunity of course – but let’s examine a bit more closely what these funds are, how they work, the alternatives and their drawbacks. Government debt-based funds The […]
Uber and AirBnB are just two examples of venture capital-backed technology companies that have successfully disrupted an existing industry. With these success stories in mind, venture capitalists have looked in every field, and in every geography, to identify yet another industry that is ripe for disruption. The result – a huge tidal wave of money, […]